Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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13th Nov

Hello again, it’s remembrance Sunday today so please take a minute to remember all those who gave their lives in wars and conflicts across the globe. My random balloon picture of the week is not random today, it will be the poppy I made. So this week I have been...

6th Nov

It’s been another busy week here at latex towers, he he. We had the care & share day on Wed up in Manchester, myself ad Daniel McCullough were both lecturing and the day seemed to go very well with some nice feed back. I’m still adding the pictures to...

30th Oct

So what has been happening this week then Graham? Well I’m glad you asked me that, I worked with Thelma on Thursday at the Discovery channel, we did the gig last year and surprise surprise they asked us back for this year. So that was nice and Thelma and I...

23rd Oct

So what shall we talk about today? I know how about balloons, OK well if you insist. This week was the City of London Jam, it was nice to meet up and go to our favourite Pizza Express and then to twist for a few hours back at the pub this time. We were given the VIP...

16th Oct

Well it’s been a super busy week for balloon modelling, after building plane number two with David Crofts at the Bluewater shopping centre, Plane Pictures. We then drove down to Hastings Sunday lunchtime to help set the school hall up for the Big Battle Balloon Build....

9th Oct

Well here we are again, another busy week balloon modelling. We went up to Northampton on Tuesday for the balloon care and share day with 21 people attending. This was a new venue and area to try and although the venue was a little small it all worked out well. Thanks...

2nd Oct

Hello………it’s me here and I’m guessing you are there reading. So what has happened this week? Well I have not had time to finish painting the front of the house, a couple of days I was not about and the others it was either raining or too...

25th Sept

Well the year is nearing the end, we are now into Autumn and this week we attended the London Jam. Not all the pictures are up yet but to view the ones that are, London Jam. It was a very nice afternoon/evening spent twisting, catching up and having a meal. I think...

18th Sept

So what have you been up to this week Graham, well I’m please you asked, he he! We drove up to Lincoln on Sunday to run the Lincoln care & share day on the Monday, we had a good turn out of approx. 23/24 people. Lincoln is a new area/venue for us so very...

11th Sept

It was the International Brotherhood of Magicians convention this week and for the first time since I believe 1988 in Brighton I did not attend. I tried to get a stand as usual but they only had spaces for six dealers and by the time I asked they were full up. I have...