Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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21st July

21st July

Balloon Towers is coming along, tomorrow it's time to add the window to the loft, we went for a larger one so its been 3/4 extra days to order it in. It's definitely looking more like a room now. I have posted a few pictures if anyone wanted to have a look, Balloon...

14th July

14th July

Off gigging with Lord G today up in London, so that will be nice, not often you get to work with other entertainers. They started on Monday converting the loft at me Dad's house into my office/balloon room that we affectionately call "Balloon Towers" Have started to...

7th July

7th July

I had a school fair yesterday, three 30 minute shows, just magic and they did not want the animals in the show. Went great, I enjoyed myself and we had over 150 people attending all three shows, was great fun and a good laugh... even though I say so myself, he he....

30th June

30th June

Well we had a very exciting week, possibly not with the saga of our house buyer and his solicitor, crazy, taken them nearly six months. Contract exchange dates arranged, moving dates arranged and then... yes you've guessed it they pulled out of the sale. Absolutely...

23rd June

23rd June

It's been all go this week with decorating round me Dad's ready for our move... which we hope is going to be sooner rather than later. Having said that our buyer's solicitor, being as nice as I can is beyond useless. Absolutely ridiculous, how can you not reply to my...

16th June

16th June

It's been a busy old week, found out I'd double booked myself for the face painting event in October and my trip to France for the English Speaking Mum's gig, oops What with so much going on, sorting out the probate for my Dad, moving and getting people in sorting the...

9th June. Qualatex, Thank You.

9th June. Qualatex, Thank You.

With what has been going on with Qualatex over the past few months I’d like to add my support and thank them for sponsoring the “Care & Share” balloon days for the past 15 years. We have had some incredible balloon workshops with the help of Qualatex and The...

2nd June

2nd June

So what have we been up to this week? Well on Friday I got a call at 9.45am asking if I could entertain with a magic show at a children's party that starts at 11am. So it was a quick change and a shave and off we went to a 5 year old party. It went brilliant and was...

26th May

26th May

Last week was a quick blog as I was off to Trix, had a really nice time meeting up with everyone and meeting a few new people as well. The venue seemed really nice as well with plenty of room for everyone, so good news all around. And I heard good comments about all...

19th May

19th May

Just a quick blog today as loading the car and up to Stoke for the Trix children's magic convention that is on Monday and Tuesday this week. I have posted a few pictures from BGT as we made the designs with Davis Crofts over onto Balloon Chat if you'd like to take a...