Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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17th December

17th December

We went down to see the Big Balloon Build that took place just outside Guildford this morning and then out for a nice lunch and a catch up. I have started to post the pictures if anyone would like to take a look, The Big Balloon Build. I have been entertaining this...
10th December

10th December

Another week gone by and a few more Christmas bookings done and dusted and a balloon fun day sorted, it’d definitely not work, we just have a laugh and enjoy ourselves and fingers crossed those watching and there do as well. Friday I was at a playgroup that was...
3rd December

3rd December

Just a quick blog today as I’m rushing off out to another gig pretty soon. I’ve been away for three days helping Roger Daws build an 11 foot Father Christmas for the Corn Exchange in Leeds. Many thanks to Roger for looking after me, appreciated and for the...
26th November

26th November

We had a funny gig yesterday, well not funny as the last 15 mins did become a little awkward. So I have done balloons at this venue 3 or 4 times before and all gone OK. We get the odd person trying to jump the queue which is difficult to keep 100% check on when you...
19th November

19th November

Oops, just realised we did not post a blog for last week. So all the pictures are now up from the balloon day we had in Birmingham the other week, it was a small group but was a fun day, well I enjoyed it so fingers crossed everyone else did. We did get a few comments...
5th November

5th November

I don’t think I’ve pushed or publicised a balloon day as much as we have the Birmingham day coming up this Wed 8th November. Specific emails, three short videos about the days and mentioning it on quite a few balloon pages. I did not realise there were so...
29th October

29th October

So this week we have had a couple of gigs to attend, one later this afternoon in Twickenham which we have done a few times before, not last year though as new people took over running the event and they went with another balloon artiste. This year they have come back...
22nd October

22nd October

We have two live in person balloon days coming up, Birmingham on the 8th November and then Sutton on the 5th Dec. If anyone could spread and share the details it would be appreciated. I did post about the days last week and asked anyone who had been to a day if they...
15th October

15th October

We are off to London on Wednesday for a long over due London Balloon Jam, other dates before had been booked but then those who booked it were unable to make. So the dates kept getting changed and re arranged. This Wednesday was also cancelled but a few of us got...
8th October

8th October

Just a short Blog today as I’m just back from a Face Painting convention in Rochester. Nice catching up with many I’ve not seen for a while and doing a little demo as well. Did not sell a great deal but it’s all PR and chatting to people who you...