Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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9th June. Qualatex, Thank You.

With what has been going on with Qualatex over the past few months I’d like to add my support and thank them for sponsoring the “Care & Share” balloon days for the past 15 years. We have had some incredible balloon workshops with the help of Qualatex and The Balloon Artistes Guild, such an array of names,

1, David Brenn
2, Dennis Hogers
3, Ken Stillman
4, Shirley Ray, Colin Myles
5, Patrick van de Ven
6, Ed Chee
7, Antonio
8, Brian Asman
9, David Crofts
10, Thelma Levett
11, The Macaroni Girls
12, Pieter Van Engen
13, Pip Pippity Pop
14, Michael Abrahamson, Victor Forja
15, Simon Jong
16, Sabina Kellner
17, Matt Falloon
18, Alberto Nava
19, Doctor Bob Armstrong
20, Sam Cremeens
21, Wallie de Groote
22, Patrick van de Ven (Back by popular demand)
23, Mark Byrne
24, Tobi Twist
25, Eric Weinstein
26, Pip Pippity Pop
27, Rob Driscoll

And these were just the star lecture days.

THANK YOU to everyone who has made the days what they were, it’s very much appreciated. I’ve seen some of the comments about Qualatex recently, and yes we all have differing views.
Mine over the 15 years have been most positive, working alongside them and I wanted to publicly thank them for helping us to be able to run all the balloon days, some 150 of them over the 15 years we have been working together.
The balloon industry would not be where it is now without the help of Qualatex… and yes I know they have their faults, we all do.
But in the main they have been a very positive and supportive company to the balloon artistes/decorators/entertainers etc.
With so many training days available for everyone. The amount of education they have put on over the years has been staggering.
So, from me, Qualatex, Thank you, it’s been a pleasure and I’ve loved going all over the country supporting and promoting you and the product.
Wishing everyone at Qualatex all the very best for the future.
Love and Kisses to all XXxx.
I thought I should post a balloon picture, so this possibly is one of my favourite top five balloon designs that I have made over the years. All made with just balloons, no wire, glue or anything else, just latex… oh and a marker pen 😁