Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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20th Sept

We have a busy month for September, last week it was the kidology magic convention with all pictures now up on the balloon forum, Kidology. This week we had a two day balloon event in Leeds that was “The David Grist Memorial Lecture” with Michael...

13th Sept

I missed posting last week as there was some fun on my facebook page, well when I say fun someone was accusing myself of only being in the balloon world just for money. I was rather shocked and taken aback by the remarks, like everyone else we do have bills to pay and...

30th Aug

Well it has been a little stressful week due to my internet provider virgin media. They changed servers back in late July and emails stopped coming through, we had to temporarily get them re-routed and then on Wed of this week they moved or adjusted things on the...

24th Aug

So continuing last weeks trip to Eastbourne, after Harry had a nice play in the sea for an hour we walked past a paint ball stall on the prom that was there just for the air show weekend. Harry enjoyed that and had a go at hitting the targets, he was not a bad shot....

16th Aug

Well we had an eventful day yesterday, I had no shows booked so took my grandson out for the day. The plan was to go and view a car that I was looking to buy and then go onto Brighton, the car was on the way. So we set off and had breakfast at McDonalds, all well up...

10th Aug

A day late this week with the blog update but I think we have a good excuse? We took Zakh our grandson crabbing, down in West Wittering, it’s off the beaten track and you would never find it. You need to ask the locals for directions, the queue’s for the...

2nd August

Hurray, I’ve posted on time, not done that for a little while. We have a special offer on the Qualatex website for the next two weeks on 11″ rounds with a good selection being on special offer. Round Balloons. I had a very nice job yesterday up in Central...

27th July

I forgot to update the balloon blog again, oops another slap on the wrist for me. I was working the Croydon festival over the weekend. Really enjoyed it, on the Saturday I was in Queens park opposite the Fairfield Halls in the Circus workshop corner. We had a steady...

19th July

Goodness I’m actually posting this on a Sunday when I’m meant to be, the plan was every Sunday to do the blog and sometimes I forget or things happen etc. So this weeks blog, we are all booked for the millennium jam, to me the best balloon convention in...

14th July

Ooops! I keep forgetting to update the blog, I try to do this over the weekend but generally forget, could someone smack me over the knuckles to remind me? He he! So what have we been doing this week, getting on top of things and making sure the monthly accounts and...