Goodness it’s been a manic few days, we had a big sculpture build with David Crofts this week and also we had to get ready to travel up to Oswestry for the Trix in Stix’s magic convention. The car is all loaded and we are heading off in 20 minutes. We had to build five large star wars characters from the film, I’m posting pictures of a sort of step by step so you can see how things get built and sometimes changed if we have time, it was two very long days, well we started on the Thursday night for a couple of hours and then twelve hours Friday and nine hours on Saturday. Star Wars Pictures.
It will be a few more days till all the pictures are up on the forum.
I will write a little more later in the week, the random picture can be the storm trooper from the build but my favourite by a long way was Chewbacca who I will post another time.
22nd May