Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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4th Sept

Hello to the one or maybe two people who read my blog, hope you are both well? So this week we have been staining the log cabin and today I started on painting the front of the house, it needs a little TLC. So what’s been happening balloon wise, well there are...

28th Aug

Me again with another little write up about what I have been up too. I was pleased with the YouTube launch, well when I say launch we put two tutorials up onto YouTube. Nothing earth shattering but I was pleased with how many have viewed the two designs and the number...

21st Aug

So what has been happening this week Graham, well thanks for asking. I have been doing a little DIY on the log cabin in the garden, decided what colour to paint the front of the house as our usual colour was discontinued. We have gone from Cornish to Buttermilk, just...

14th Aug

Half way through August, wow. So what have we been up to this week? We had a few friends around on Thursday for the London Jam on Tour, he he. It was nice catching up with Rob, Danny, Susie and Kat. We made a few designs, posting them onto the forum with still a few...

7th Aug

Today is the last day to enter the July competition on balloonchat for the complimentary bags of balloons we send out with orders. Last month it was to make the plane with the hearts as wings, full step by step instructions are here, Plane. The August competition is...

31st July

It’s Sunday so it’s blog writing day. So what have you been up to this week Graham? Well thanks for asking………………we went up to Birmingham Tuesday night for a face painting get together on the Wed. Numbers were down on...

24th July

This week I attended the City of London Jam, we all met for a nice pizza at 2pm as usual. Then off to The Poets public house that we have a private room reserved for the twisting. Well as soon as we arrived we knew this would be a non starter, the room was like a...

17th July

It passed me by again, never mind, writing the blog on Sunday that is, oops! So this week was a catch up week, accounts, vat, balloon stock etc etc as the last three weeks have been a little manic. Nearly caught up, well I have today, also booked venues for the...

10th July

Here we are again…….at the blog, so what has been happening this week. We had the David Grist memorial lecture in Birmingham with Sabina Kellner coming over form Austria, seems like it was a fabulous couple of days with all the positive feedback we have...

3rd July

It’s been a very busy and exciting week this week, on Wed I picked up Daniel “Fudd” Ravia from the Eurostar station as he is over from America and staying with us a few days. As things turned out this was good as we had a big car build on...