Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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26th May

Last week was a quick blog as I was off to Trix, had a really nice time meeting up with everyone and meeting a few new people as well. The venue seemed really nice as well with plenty of room for everyone, so good news all around. And I heard good comments about all the lectures and talks, it’s one thing I don’t get time to sit and watch. Now saying that I did get to watch the Dan Harlan lecture at 8pm as the dealer hall closed and I was packed away by 6.30, even had time to have a nice buffet meal in the restaurant. Had this both nights and was excellent with plenty of choice and even pudding thrown in as well… what more could you want, he he.
I’ve started to post the pictures from the event if you’d like to take a look, still more to post but they should all be up by the end of the week, Trix Magic Convention Pictures.

It’s been all go at the new “Balloon Towers” with a new garage roof being fitted this week, plus joists and main woodwork and guttering, it had seen better days but had lasted well over the years. The builder has been here over the weekend. I’ve been painting the outside side wall above the garage as it was easy to get to with no roof, it took a while and I did more than a few hours in the day but sorted and ready before the roofer comes to fit the new roof on later in the week. Then fit new lighting and paint the inside of the garage to make it a little brighter before we start bringing some of the stock and product around to fit. It’s been all go and now off to do a gig over in Addlestone.

We still have places available for the 20th Anniversary balloon day in Sutton on the 11th June if anyone would like to attend, we have four star lectures and I’m sure it will be a fabulous day, 20th Anniversary Tour Tickets.

Off to find the random balloon picture of the week, I went with the Lion design, off to see if I’ve filmed this? If so we will post it shortly, if not it’s another one to add to the list for filming once we have moved. All my tutorials are moving over to the new Facebook tutorial page “A Balloon Club” so will be posting it there sometime shortly. There are over 45 tutorials posted there at the moment with more being added weekly. You can join for just a small donation, £10/20 or if feeling extra generous then you could add both buttons, insert a smiley face and a wink here, “A Balloon Club”