Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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19th May

Just a quick blog today as loading the car and up to Stoke for the Trix children’s magic convention that is on Monday and Tuesday this week.

I have posted a few pictures from BGT as we made the designs with Davis Crofts over onto Balloon Chat if you’d like to take a look, BGT Pictures. 

Plus we still have some early bird tickets available for the 20th Anniversary tour of the “Care & Share” days that take place on Tuesday 11th June in Sutton with four star lecturers during the day, Anniversary Tour Tickets.

That’s me for this week, have a fun week and might see a few of you at Trix this week. Off to find the random balloon picture of the week. I went with the one balloon looks like a Bulldog possibly picture. But was pleased as only with one single balloon.