Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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11th June

We had two big things happen this week, well three but we probably should keep mum about one thing that happened at the Care & Share balloon day this week. So the two things were we had the Care & Share balloon day at Bishops Stortford, first time back there in many a year as they changed the meeting room to offices so we had to book local halls when that way. So was nice to be back at Qualatex HQ after the meeting room was added back a little while ago now, and also for it to be sold out with 22 people attending. I am posting the pictures from the day and they should all be up by the end of the week.
Bishops Stortford Pictures.

I have four more days to book for this year, looking to have two more Care & Share balloon days and then two basic balloon modelling days, so watch this space or my Facebook page to see when and where we will be having them.

The other thing this week, we delivered my old car to its new owner on Thursday and went and picked our new second hand car up from Colchester, it is a nice car but a little posh and not a Fiat Doblo for me. Hopefully over time I will get used to it, I’m hoping, if not then we will look for something else.

Off to look for the random balloon picture of the week, not sure as yet what it will be. I went with a couple of Parrot’s that we made a while back now, just checked and over 2 years ago now.