Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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29th October

So this week we have had a couple of gigs to attend, one later this afternoon in Twickenham which we have done a few times before, not last year though as new people took over running the event and they went with another balloon artiste. This year they have come back to me so that is nice, it’s Halloween so I take seven designs pre-made and dress the gazebo and that is the choice, you do get more time to chat and entertain this way I feel… but obviously others may feel differently. You have to go with what you feel is best and works well for you. The other gig this week was also in Twickenham and was …. shall we say a little different, wont say too much but I was booked from 4.30 till 6.30 and the event officially started at 6.15. As I said it was different, but I did twist all the time as I had taken the Mickey designs I made in the week from the Zoom for club members along so kept putting all the other designs into the bags till people arrived. Which they did from about 5.45 and then we had people live to chat and interact with.

I have a beginners Zoom this week on Wednesday 1st November at 8pm UK Time if anyone would like to come along, it is free and will last approx 75 mins, well the last one did so guessing this will be a similar time. Please send me a PM on Facebook if you’d like to take part and I will email you over the Zoom details the day before.

We have two live “Care & Share” days booked in, Birmingham on the 8th Nov and then Sutton on the 5th Dec, Amanda Smith is helping me with a workshop on the 8th in Birmingham and then on the 5th in Sutton we have Danielle Burnige and Rob Driscoll who are both running a workshop for me. At both days there will be a basic session from 10 till 11 am for those who need a little confidence building before the main workshops. If you could please pass on and share the details to others you might think would be interested that would be greatly appreciated. And to book, Balloon Days.

The random picture for the week, I went with the Cup I made when someone the other week on Facebook was looking for a quick line work design to make, the variations I posted here on Balloon Chat if anyone would like to take a look, Cups/Trophy.

And I have decided that this will be the Model of the Month for November on Balloon Chat so will write up the step by step tutorial over the coming days, Model of the Month, Cup/Trophy.