Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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25th September

I’m just loading the car and ready to drive of up to Sheffield for the balloon day tomorrow, we still have spaces available if anyone would like to join us, it’s just £15 to attend and we have four workshops during the day, all on line work designs. So hopefully quick and easy for the real world. Booking details are here, Sheffield Balloon Day.

I have been having another go at making a variation for Paddington Bear’s hat, made quite a few and a couple are OK, none as yet I’ve gone wow… that’s the one. But still having a play. I have posted them all onto Balloon Chat if you would like to have a look, Paddington Bear.

The new Balloon Artistes Guild website is coming along and we only have a couple more things to do so hopefully by the end of the month it will be all done. If you would like to join till the end of 2022 then it’s just a one off payment. This is not monthly as a couple of people have mentioned to me, it works out at just a pound a week from when we launched the website. There are six tutorials posted at the moment and my DVD 1 to view. We will be posting another three tutorials and two more of my DVD’s till the end of the year. PLUS, we are having a zoom a month as well included in the fee, so hopefully people will think it’s a bargain, fingers crossed. This is the link to the website, The Balloon Artistes Guild. We will be putting up a tutorial page so you can see what is available to view, that is being worked on now and if you would like to join, The Balloon Artistes Guild.

I did a magic show yesterday for a 4-year-old, when I arrived the music was pumping out and apart from the 30 children there must have been over 30 adults. Any way nothing to worry about, it was a fab party, children laughing away and all the adults sat and watched the show as well, so brill. I really enjoyed it myself.

Off to find the random balloon model of the week, be back soon. I went with the last Paddington hat I made which on my computer was Paddington 21. So there are a few to view on the link above.