Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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18th September

Hi Everyone, the crown that we posted last week on Facebook did get the most comments like and
shares of anything that we have ever made. It went a little banana’s…. which was nice.

I went up to London yesterday with my daughter and her friend, we waited outside Buckingham Palace and were pretty lucky
to see King Charles drive off. Funny thing was he was off to my son in law’s works to do a walk about, so I got a video of him
leaving and Richard got a video of him arriving for his walkabout, how spooky is that, he he

More of the new website is coming together and we are on the homeward straight now, if you’d like to take a look,
The Balloon Artistes Guild.
and if you would like to join that would be fab, we have tried to make it cost effective and value for money, Sign up.

Loading the car today and off on the road again, this time to Birmingham for the children’s magic convention, Kidology.
The main day is Tuesday 20th September and there are tickets available if anyone would like to come along.
Kidology Convention.

I have been trying to make another Paddington design, it’s the hat that I’m struggling with, made quite a few variations
and it’s still a works in progress, I have posted a lot of the pictures here on balloon chat, Paddington.

Thats me for this week then, not sure what the random balloon picture will be for this week so just off to take a look. I went with the Bride/Princess that will be the October Zoom for the balloon artistes guild members, non-members are most welcome to join us as well for a small fee, October Zoom.