Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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19th March

Happy Mothers Day to those residing in the UK, I believe it’s different dates in different parts of the world. I’m back from last weekend’s Blackpool Balloon Convention (BBB) It was a bit of a challenge getting there as we have had a couple of issues with my car the past 3/4 weeks and thought they had been sorted but on the drive over to pick my carers up, Danielle and Sally my engine light came on again so we had to have a quick change over and went up in Danielle’s car. Thanks for being understanding and for a fab and funny weekend, always appreciated xx. I have started to post the pictures up over on Balloon Chat but it will take a few weeks as I took nearly 700 at the event so expect nearly 500 will be posted by the time I sort through them all.
Blackpool Balloon Pictures.

I had a couple of gigs this weekend which was really nice, the first one was for my magic show and in a hall where I don’t think I have ever seen such a high ceiling, it went on for ever. Was very noisy due to the acoustics and layout and then we had more adults at the event than children so they were nattering … as they do, he he. Well it ended up being one of the best shows we have ever done, so much so that I had to leave one of the effects out as we had done an hour with all the extra adlibbing and laughter. Sometimes the children say the funniest things and I did receive a very nice email from the client as well. Then it was over to Bluewater for a Dinosaur themed party where I was just making balloons and Danielle was face painting. That went very nicely and with everything else the children had to do there was a nice relaxing 90 minute session that I really enjoyed.
So a good day all round.

We have another live Zoom tomorrow night at 8pm UK Time for the Bunny Rabbit design if anyone would like to join us,
it is free for club members or just £5 for non members. Booking details are here, Bunny Rabbit Zoom.

We are off to Paris next Monday for a little balloon get together with a few people, I think the plan is to attend the house
Van Gough lived in and painted from. So if we do I expect a few balloons might be in order so I made a couple of
sunflowers in the week. Sunflowers. 

That’s me then for this week, oh unless you would like to join the little club, The Balloon Artistes Guild. If so then details
can be found here or just send me a message and I’m happy to explain things, The Balloon Artistes Guild.

Now what will the random balloon picture of the week be? I went with the American school bus that I made a couple
of weeks back now. I did post a few pictures over on Balloon Chat if you would like to take a look, School Bus.