Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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18th December

Its been a fun weekend with a last minute magic show yesterday for 12 children and possibly 25 adults, was well fun and
I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Then today it was a 3 hour balloon gig that was fun and met some funny and
interesting people to finish off the weekend.

We have been promoting the new tutorial website we set up in August as we are coming up for the year end, thanks to those who signed up for 2022, we had 40 people and as it only started in August I was very pleased. At the moment we have 6 people signed up for the New Year so fingers crossed we get a few more as the weeks and months roll on. If you would like to join then we have two options, pay for the full year or make a part payment now and then again in July, so hopefully helping people a little in these difficult times. The plan is to have 18 tutorials posted over the year, put onto the website two of my DVD’s and then have 12 live Zoom’s throughout the year. So about 60 tutorials for approx a pound each, so I like to think it will be value for money. This is the link, or any questions then please get in touch, The Balloon Artistes Guild.

All the pictures are now up from the large Train build we did last week with David Crofts, we posted 77 pictures
altogether if anyone would like to take a look, Large Train Build.

This time next week it will be Christmas day, wishing everyone a joyous time with family and friends and here
is to a very happy New Year to everyone.

That’s me for this week, off to find the random balloon picture of the week. I was thinking we would post the final picture of the finished Train but then found the Mr Tumble design that I made for a 1st birthday the other week so went with that instead. Maybe it will be the Train next week for my last 2022 blog post…. but then again, maybe not… who knows.