Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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16th October

Many thanks to all those who came along to the live Zoom this week for the Bride/Princess, was nice to see you and hope the design was of use to a few. We did film this and I have put it up on the club page website, be quick though as we are only leaving it there for the week before I take it down. The next Zoom will be for the Santa design and will be on Thursday 10th Nov, I will send details out about the Zoom the day before. Non members are most welcome to join us and can book on for the session here,
Santa Zoom.

They have been doing a little more work on the website this week and there is not too much more to be done so hopefully all will be up and working by the end of the month, The Balloon Aristes Guild.

All the pictures are now nearly up from the face painting event I attended last week, still a few more to go but if you would like to take a look, Face Paint Convention.

I have just sorted a flyer out for my numbers tutorial that we have been finally promoting on Facebook, I think I filmed these coming up for two years ago, so it has taken a while to get things sorted. They are online now and available and till the end of October we have them at a special offer as are all my other tutorials at buy two and get one free, the full list of tutorials available can be viewed here, Special Offer.

The next balloon day coming up is on the 22nd November in Birmingham and we will be running the day on Christmas designs, we have eighteen people booked in at the moment and there are two early bird specials still available if you are quick. Don’t forget to bring a selection of balloons along to the day plus a mug for the refreshments, booking details, Christmas Designs Balloon Day.

Off to find the random balloon of the week, not sure what it will be so will be even a surprise for me this week, I went with the Christmas Tree that will be one of the designs we show at the Birmingham day next month.