Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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16th July

Had a few magic shows this week, Friday night was the Brownies in Cheam, which I thoroughly enjoyed…
hopefully they did as well… he he
Then yesterday at The David Lloyd centre in Raynes Park for their family fun day. We did three 30 minute shows with good crowds at each and each show different. It had to be moved indoors due to the weather so with other attractions, a DJ and two bouncy castles there was plenty of distractions for the children but we seemed to keep them, so that was good.

Next week we are helping to make some flowers for the top of a coffin, I have done this before for a friend who passed,
pictures are here for what we made, Wreath/Roses.
I think we are just making a simple heart design with Roses sitting inside the design, I’m sure I will post a picture or two next week when they are done.

I’m ballooning at Royal Ascot next week but think it’s just for a works fun day and not the actual races, will find out Saturday as it is at the race course. Then Sunday we are doing a workshop for the magic circle over Zoom, not sure how that will go but will find out Sunday when we do it, made me smile. That’s me then for this week, off to find the random balloon picture of the week.

I went with the Meerkat that started off as a Dinosaur, pictures of how this evolved are here over on Balloon Chat,
Dinosaur to Meerkat.