Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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14th July

Ooops! I keep forgetting to update the blog, I try to do this over the weekend but generally forget, could someone smack me over the knuckles to remind me? He he! So what have we been doing this week, getting on top of things and making sure the monthly accounts and...

6th July

I feel like we are getting back on track after a really hectic three weeks, all orders on the website are under control and been sent out. I have started to check the Pieter van Engen master copy of the workshop day he did back in March for the balloon artistes guild...

2nd July

I’m a little late with this weeks blog offering, not sure if it’s a blog or to keep everyone up to date with what has been going on in the balloon world for me. We had Daniel FuDD Ravia in the UK on Monday 29th June, an excellent day and a little different...

21st June

Today is a special day for me as It’s a special friend’s birthday, Pearse Halpenny, stage name Michael Pearse or as some know him that old juggler. Possibly the UK’s number one comedy juggler and a lovely guy, we have holidayed together, rehearsed...

14th June

It was an exciting week with Pip Pippity pop running a workshop/lecture day in the UK on Tuesday, Pip is all the way from New Zealand and it turned out to be a fab day with plenty of positive feedback. Pictures from the event that I’m still uploading can be seen...

8th June

I just wrote a long post about the balloon days this week, then went to add a picture and thought no I will add it later, clicked the back button and the page dis-appeared with all the writing, so that has gone forever. Lesson, wrote the blog in word and then cut and...

9th Nov

This trying to keep the blog up to date every couple of weeks is a little difficult for me, I have admiration for those that write every day. So what has been happening, we had the two day balloon event in Sutton with the macaroni girls, all seemed to go OK with that...

26th Oct

I keep forgetting to update the blog every week, note so self…………must try harder. The two day balloon event in Sutton went very well with the macaroni girls coming over from Holland to do a lecture/workshop. It is always difficult to get the...

12th Oct

We are getting ready for the next two day star lecture balloon care & share day that will be taking place in Sutton, Surrey on Tuesday 21st and Wed 22nd Oct with Brenda and Petra from Holland. Affectionately known as “The Macaroni Girls” You will need...

My Travels

We are off on our travels again, this week I will be attending the International Brotherhood of Magicians convention in Bournemouth which normally gets around 350 attending. In days gone by that would be up to and sometimes even more than 1000 magicians attending but...