Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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July Prize Draw Winner

We held the draw on Friday to see who won the Three DVD set by Colin Myles, titles in the collection were,
Little Things

The winner that was pulled out of the hat………well plastic bag actually was Anna Royce,
so congratulations to Anna.

We are holding an August Prize Draw, this month you can win membership to,
“The Balloon Artistes Guild” for 2014/15
You will receive three club DVD’s which are filmed at the star lecture days
and you can attend up to eight balloon educational/Instructional days
that are held all over the UK.

We have been working away on making the new re-vamped website a little easier to
navigate around and a little more user friendly. We still have a few more additions to add
and hope everything to be completed by the end of the week, fingers crossed.
Any suggestions you have are all welcome, this is the best way for the site to evolve.

There is the review section on every product and we could do with a few people
adding their thoughts on the products and what they make with the various balloons
they purchase. If you do get a minute or two that would be appreciated.

I thought I might start adding the odd random balloon picture to the blog,
so random picture number one, there are more balloon pictures on the forum
that I run, www.balloonchat.co.uk

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