Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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24th March

Hi Everyone, been a busy week here at balloon towers. A full on week sorting out our new residency, decorating and making sure everything is in place for the move. Had a few quotes for a new boiler system, log cabin and a new small garage roof. Decisions to be made but I find that all rather stressful. We have been told it’s now time for us to sign contracts for the house we are selling, not sure how long it’s takes to completion and getting a final moving date. We did ask the solicitors but they came back with well if this and then if that etc, so again we have no idea.

I’m still putting the pictures up from the Blackpool Balloon Convention, over 200 have been posted so far and we are hoping the organisers of the event will let us post the link there so everyone who attended will be able to view them, fingers crossed. If you’d like to take a look then they are on Balloon Chat, which is completely free to use and is not my business page, just a forum we started way back in 2008 before Facebook became such a big thing. Back in the day there was BalloonHQ and MBD2 as forums to talk and display balloon  designs. You have to be pretty old and been ballooning quite a time to remember these, he he xx.
So to view the 200 pictures so far, Blackpool Balloon Convention.

I have sorted out the pictures for the April model of the month, it’s going to be Barbie as the March model of the month was for Barbies car. It’s the first time we have had a double design over the two months. I will be putting the tutorial up later in the week on this thread if you’d like to take a look and even perhaps have a go at making the design, Barbie.
Then to view the March design for the car, Barbie’s Car.

We have a Free Zoom this week coming up on Wed 27th March at 8pm UK Time, I think we will be explaining a Peppa Pig design. That is if we can get a few people interested and coming along to the evening. Please pass on details about the Zoom if you can and send me a PM for the meeting details, thanks.

That’s me then for this week, don’t forget there will not be a blog next week as I’m away working in Paris for an Ex-Pat’s Easter Extravaganza. Will be nice to catch up with friends and I have been making a few line work Easter designs, Easter Designs.
Right off to find a random balloon picture of the week, I went with the Bunny Rabbits as it’s coming up for Easter.