Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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11th February

It’s Blackpool magic convention week so there will be no blog next week as we are away at the convention. I have Mr Rob Driscoll helping me on the stand this year and we have our design all sorted that we will be building for the event. Please come along and say hello for a chat and a natter and if you want to bring a cream cake as well then who are we to argue.

The model of the month for February is the Ghost Hat which got a nice lot of comments and likes when we posted this up, so that’s nice. If you’d like to take a look at the step by step tutorial then it’s over on Balloon Chat, Ghost Hat.

I’m off to Paris over the Easter break, they have an ex-pats Easter Extravaganza and I’ve been booked for a couple of days
balloon modelling. Which I’m really looking forward to, will be a little different ballooning overseas.

The move from Balloon Towers is still on track and we have the surveyors coming around tomorrow
to do a detailed inspection on our house for the new owners, fingers crossed all goes well.

That’s me for this week, off out with the family now for a meal at my favourite place, yes Wetherspoon’s, I’m easily pleased.
Hope everyone has a nice couple of weeks and I will be back on the 25th February.

Off to find the random balloon picture of the week, I went with Winnie the Pooh and him standing on the Bridge playing Pooh sticks. If you’d like to see how the design came about there is a two page thread with how the design evolved and yes you’ve guessed it, it’s over on Balloon Chat. Winnie The Pooh.