Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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15th January

It’s been a quiet week this week for me, the local magic club I attend started up for the New Year, that was fun. It was a do it yourself night so I took a few magical bits down that have stayed in the draw for over 20 years. A couple of effects I did use in days gone by and some I have never used in a show but have always liked. It was nice to see everyone again after our long Christmas break.

It’s that dreaded time of the year and the price increase on balloon product for the website, it is a smaller increase than I was expecting and I think Qualatex have been wise in trying to keep the increases on the smaller side to try and help people out during these difficult times. Website link if anyone would like to purchase a few items from us, it would be appreciated,
Balloon Art wholesale.

We have the first balloon day of the year coming up for Tuesday 31st January, it will be a mini workshop day and with some time for jamming some balloon ideas around. I thought I’d show the Wreath design and possibly the Plane but if others attending wanted other designs then I’m more than happy to show those. But still with time for jamming and a fun competition.
The day is being held in Sutton if anyone would like to attend, Sutton Balloon Day.

I have been making a couple of designs for the Blackpool Magic convention and the Blackpool Balloon Convention that
are both coming up in a few weeks time. Details can be found here, Magic Convention. And then the Balloon Convention.

That’s me for this week then, off to find the random balloon picture of the week. I went with the Spitfire that came
up on my Facebook memories this week and decided to make again with a small tweak here and there.
There are pictures on Balloon Chat if you would like to take a look, Spitfire.