Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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11th December

Hi Everyone, hope all is well with whoever reads the blog?
So this week it’s been very busy and stressful building the Train again for the local Empire cinema complex. It was built over three days with David Crofts coming up to help me for a day. Which was fun as it’s been a while since we have twisted together on a job. We did manage to get it finished OK but built the Train with another idea I had this time. The last two we built the problem was getting the cylinder section and the wheels joining up, so the plan was to weave the cylinder and base section as one. I did make a small prototype to see if it might work the week before and we thought it would work out, fingers crossed. On the day we did have a little technical problem but over came that and it did hold together OK. We have started to post the pictures up onto Balloon Chat if anyone would like to take a look, Cinema Train.

We are doing our last live zoom for the year tomorrow, Monday 12th Dec at 8pm UK Time if anyone would like to join us.
It’s free for club members or there is a small fee for non members. Details are here, The Balloon Artistes Guild.

Also via the link you can join for next year if you would like, either a one off payment or we have made it so you can pay two smaller payments over the year if this would help people out. We will be doing 12 live zooms, 18 tutorials minimum will be posted and also I will post two of my DVD’s. So in total over 60 designs, so making this about a pound per design which hopefully people will think is value for money. So that on the link above as well.

I do have a few parties over December, not as busy as we used to be but I think that is the case for a lot since Covid. Had a really fun show on Friday at a nursery that I have been performing at since 1994, so 28 years, gosh I do feel old…. probably because I am old, he he.

Right off to see what the random balloon picture of the week is going to be, I went with the Train from the cinema as they did go to town this year on the decorations around it with a nice large Red carpet as well. All the pictures are on the link above but I still have to post the final ones from the set up on Friday night and Saturday morning as the displays were not ready till very late Friday night so I went back to get some nicer pictures. They will be posted over the coming days so please pop back to have a look, thanks xx.