I just wrote a long post about the balloon days this week, then went to add a picture and thought no I will add it later, clicked the back button and the page dis-appeared with all the writing, so that has gone forever. Lesson, wrote the blog in word and then cut and paste it onto the site.
So we have a two day event this week 9/10th June with Pip Pippity Pop on Tuesday with 14 designs she will be sharing and then on the Wed it’s a mystery day with either 4/5 small workshops or we could build a life size figure with some weaving. I will let those attending on Tuesday decide, that is why I called it a mystery day. If you would like to book for the days or day, https://www.balloonartwholesale.co.uk/balloons/care-share-days/
One of the life size figures I made last week.