Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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7th August

Today seems a little odd as for the past six years the first Sunday of the month we have been posting the latest BalloonTube tutorial. As the last one in July was the 100th edition we thought it would be good time to have a break and move onto the next part of my latex journey. Which is the tutorial forum, it went live last Monday after a couple of little hic ups and gremlins so to speak but we have got it off the ground, it’s still a work in progress and we have some more artwork to add and different sections so people can actually set up their own threads and ask questions etc. I will be posting some premium tutorials as well onto the forum, at the moment we have Jessica Rabbit, Paddington, a nice stand up sit down Teddy and all my number tutorials ready to go. Just waiting so that the forum has settled down and I’m more comfortable with how it works and the technology etc before putting those live and onto the site as well. Over the coming weeks we will hopefully be getting it looking a little more as I visualised in my head. I have a meeting with both the web guys who are working on this for me tomorrow so please watch this space as we update forum. The Balloon Artistes Guild.
If you’s like to check out BalloonTube and the 100 tutorials, BalloonTube.

I worked with a few other entertainers on Friday at a corporate gig, this does not happen to often so was nice to see others, I did a couple of 30 min shows and about two hours balloon modelling during the day. It was a lovely setting in the middle of Surrey and I was working under these two massive wigwams. It was very impressive, off to work a children’s birthday party up in London this afternoon as well. Will be going up via the tube as to drive in London for me is a little on the scary/worrying side.

If anyone would like to join the forum and join us on this new latex adventure you are more than welcome, its just a one off fee till the end of the year and I promise to put up nine tutorials, three of my DVD’s Vol 1, 2 and 4 plus have two live zoom sessions along the way as well. Any questions then please ask away or this is the link if you’d like to sign up, BAG Forum.

We did get a very large balloon order in this week but only a few items are back in stock as the majority of the order was stocking back up our 260 supply. We do try and ship out same day, Balloon Art Wholesale.

Unfortunately late Friday Balloon Chat went off line, I’m not sure why as I’m still waiting for the technical department where the site is hosted to get back to me, this was just a coincidence and not planned with the new forum going live. Fingers crossed they can sort this out and get it backup and running early next week, Balloon Chat.

That’s me for this week, off to find the random balloon picture of the week. I went with the Giraffe that we have filmed for one of the tutorials on the new forum. It will be posted sometime soon as I have to try and space them out evenly over the coming months.