Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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4th September

Last week we sorted out and put live on the website my premium tutorials and numbers, Jessica Rabbit,
Paddington Bear and then the numbers Zero to Nine. It’s nice we have these all live now.
The website still needs a little more work doing to it and a large tweak here and there but it’s plodding along. The new header page went up this week and has a similar style to my selling website page and we are having a new header made for Balloon Chat as well so that will be going up sometime soon. We are having some more work done on Balloon Chat as the people who host the site have updated it but also left a few more problems with it, the header is wrong, the links to my selling websites does not work. Some of the pictures are now pretty small, many links do not work and on the model of the month some of the pictures are out of sequence so if people are following along making the design this will be a bit of a hindrance. So, it definitely needs to be looked at again and I’m a little dis-appointed with how my hosting company have left the forum.

On the BAG website at the moment we have 32 members and this week we sold Seven premium tutorials. I was pleased as it’s a start and hopefully once word spreads a little then we might get a few more interested in the website. We have the first live Zoom on Wed for the Big Bird design that I made a few weeks back when making the Parrot. If I had not started making the Parrot, then this design would not have come about. It’s funny how things work out and what inspires you. Hard to explain but sometimes things just happen. I’d have a hard time trying to explain how some of the designs come about, sometimes they just pop out of my head, he he. And the first design is the best one and with others I have to make many and tweak the design, so it looks OK and proportioned and easy to re-create. The Panda I made the other week had 15 variations and number 13 is the one
I went with, I posted them onto a thread on Balloon Chat, Panda.

I spent a while loading up all the tutorials onto YouTube and then synching everything with the new website so we can send people the links once things are purchased. I’m also doing all my own editing now which I’m pleased about, we have filmed I think 18 designs for the BAG website with 5 on the site already and I will pick out another 4 at least till the end of the year to add as well.
We have DVD 1on the website available with DVD 2 and DVD 4 going up shortly. If you would like to join that would be fab and appreciated, this is the link to join, and any questions the please just ask, The Balloon Artistes Guild.

I’m just back from a magic show for a 3-year-old boy, went really well and we had a good 15 adults in the room watching as well. So that was nice. Would be nice to get a few more parties’ booked in as I do enjoy them, and you never know what will happen. We had a few extra funny moments that were not planned today, even made me laugh and you just have to go along with it and give the children time to talk and explain things. Sometimes it’s just so funny!

Off to find the random balloon picture of the week. I went with Panda 8 as it had the leaves and bamboo
in the picture but the one I will film for BAG is Panda 13 on the thread I posted above.