Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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28th August

This week I edited the last of the numbers tutorial which was the Zero, the original stopped playing half way through for some unknown reason to me. Then I stitched all the numbers together in case someone was to purchase the full set and that way I only have to send them the one link and not all ten links so will be more sensible. It did take over 10 hours to download as that is how long the full tutorial is, it really does go in depth and I do try and explain everything and how to over come some of the problems when a bubble either pops or slowly deflates. They will be going live to purchase from this coming Thursday 1st September. We also have three other premium tutorials available for Jessica Rabbit, Paddington Bear and also my Stand up/Sit Down Teddy Bear, Premium Tutorials.

I also edited the tutorials I filmed last weekend for the Parrot, Mouse, Crown and Big Bird, although I’m going to film the Mouse again as we have come up with a better way to add the whiskers so a re film is required… never mind I like to be thorough and try to work out the pitfalls for when making the designs. When I was filming the tutorials for BalloonTube I used to wait six weeks till after making the original design so I made it a few times and in the real world so that any adjustments had been made before filming the final design. With this new way of filming each design as I make it they are filmed a lot quicker than before so as we go along I expect I will have some variations to post. That is why I wanted the forum style site so I could add pictures and new tutorials as the designs evolve and I was hoping others may have the odd suggestion now and again on a design or two. If you would like to join “The Balloon artistes Guild” Forum then its a one off payment till the end of the year and I will be adding the Digger design later today, BAG Forum.

The new header for the BAG forum was finished this week and I’m hoping they will be putting this up on the website one day this week.

Not sure I mentioned Balloon Chat was down the other week, all very odd as a plug in crashed and was not supported anymore so they had to update the site. Now I’m pleased they found someone to work on the site as it’s always been tricky to find anyone that is knowledgeable enough to work on Balloon Chat as I believe it’s a very old system to work on. But when I mentioned some of the pictures were out of sequence and a lot of the links did not work I was told that was just the way it is. Plus they put up the wrong header for Balloon Chat and both the links to my web shops are not working. Instead of checking and seeing if anything could be done I was informed that the ticket was closed and they had no more time to work on the site. I was a little surprised so now will have to pay the usual people who look after Balloon Chat to see if they can rectify the problems the hosting company have left us with. All very strange to me, still I’m still smiling and do wonder if I should set up a go fund me page as keeping Balloon Chat on line does cost a few pennies. I have also noticed we get higher numbers looking at the site since adding all the latest software, I wonder why that is?

We are off on Tuesday to watch the 100 Cricket at Lords with my son, will be a little different and looking forward to it, they have the ladies game in the afternoon and then the men’s early evening. So here is wishing its a really tight and close game to add to the excitement………..oh and no rain as well, fingers crossed.

If anyone would like to purchase any balloon product then please take a look at the website, we would be pleased to help,
Balloon Art Wholesale.

Off to find the random balloon picture of the week, be right back.
I went with the Parrot picture which I was rather chuffed with as I made it from just the one picture with photoshop and we used this for the opening picture for the tutorial for the design. Not sure when it will be posted as I have 16 designs all filmed and waiting to be posted so assuming sometime next year.