Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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2nd October

I had a nice drive up to Sheffield last week for the line work balloon twisting day, thanks to all who came along, I have posted all the pictures now up over on Balloon Chat, Sheffield Balloon Day.

Then I was back organising what tutorials to film over the weekend, we ended up filming five with two variations, so seven in all and over four hours so that was not to bad. We filmed a Helicopter, Bride with two skirt variations, a heart Plane, two Dinosaurs and then an easier way to make my one balloon Hippo. They will be posted over the coming months onto the new tutorial website we started up in August. If anyone would like to join its a one-off fee till the end of the year and there will be 52 designs posted by then so it works out at about 50p per design. PLUS we are doing a live zoom every month as well, There are more details here about the club or just send me a message with any questions, The Balloon Artistes Guild.
And if you would like to join then this is the link, Join BAG.

I have added a new tutorial to the website today for the Giraffe design, that will be the random balloon picture of the week as well. We are still working on the layout and look of the website but it is coming together. The Balloon Artistes Guild.

Off next week for the face painting event that is taking place I think Coventry/Birmingham way, I should find out really as I’m driving up there on Thursday… he he. It is sold out unfortunately otherwise I would have added the details in case anyone wanted to attend last minute.

Thats’ me for this week, off to find the random picture that really is not random this week as when I was typing about the new website and posting the Giraffe I though oh yes perfect I will add that as the random balloon picture for this week.