Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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2nd July

We have had a few balloon orders arriving with a few more items coming back into stock which is good,
if you would like to take a look, Balloon Art Wholesale.

I have had a busy weekend… well for me, 3 hour balloon gig in a leisure centre and then today off out to entertain at a twins 6th birthday party, nice to get back into the swing of things. The leisure centre was unusual as I was working along side two face painters and another balloon artiste which generally is unusual, or maybe just unusual for me. I enjoyed the day with an hour
on and an hour off, plus with a steady flow of people waiting for a balloon design, so seemed to work well to me.

I met David Crofts this week for out very late 2022 Christmas meal. we went to a very nice Indian restaurant and it was nice meeting up with his family as well. Happy memories, and yes we did get dressed up in seasonal wear, he he. There is a picture here on Balloon Chat to see us just before we went out, Christmas Meal.

I’m off out tomorrow with my ladies of latex for our mid year meal as well, it’s all go, as usual going with Danielle and Sally but Olivia is coming as well so be nice to catch up with everyone.

It’s time to post the next tutorial over on The Balloon Artistes Guild page, not sure which tutorial it will be but I have plenty recorded, possibly fifteen so plenty to choose from. I also have to film the June Zoom as well which was the Dinosaur, that might have to wait till later in the week or I might get time later tonight to film this? If you would like to join the club then details and tutorials already posted can be seen here, The Balloon Artistes Guild.

Time to find the random balloon picture of the week. I went with the Dinosaur that we explained on Zoom for June. The Dino on the left the head is made from a 350 balloon which makes the design slightly more in proportion but out in the real world I’m still making the head section from a 260 as its a lot quicker, easier and flows better. Plus I don’t have to think about it and can still chat and have a laugh with those waiting for a balloon design.