Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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27th November

I’m just trying to sort out a club membership page on Facebook for The Balloon Artistes Guild, I originally set it as just a page so have now I think set up as a group. Will try and get it going soon, possibly sometime this week, will hopefully be of benefit to everyone and we can post some variations on the designs we are making.

Just back home from a busy weekend, I was working at a school Christmas fair yesterday where we did three, 30 min shows that were all sold out with 60 people at each show. That was nice, I really enjoyed them and the school raised some funds as well. Then today I was at the Epsom light switch on, goodness so many entertainers, rides and attractions. But I never got to see any of the other entertainers unfortunately as I had three sets over the afternoon. All very nice and met some lovely people to have a laugh with so that made it extra special, after all these years I still love going out and meeting people and having a laugh.

Had a nice time in Birmingham this week at the Christmas balloon workshop, we have started to add the pictures but will be a while till they are all up and online. Birmingham Christmas Workshop.

Off to find the random balloon picture of the week, now what shall it be?
I went with Father Christmas and Rudolph that we will be making for a display later on in the year.