Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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26th February

Sorry about no blog last week but I was away working at the Blackpool Magic Convention. Well when I say working… just having fun and making memories with Mr David Crofts, we both had fun and a good laugh or two as well along the way. Oh we did also make a rather large balloon dog for the stand. I have been posting the pictures as we built the design over on Balloon Chat if anyone would like to take a look. Plus the good news is that they are now all posted from last weekend.
Blackpool Magic Convention.

The shows that we watched in the evening were stunning, really nice and a few acts took you to that special place that is hard to describe but they were amazing. The rehearsing/dedication that must go into some of these acts. They were a joy to watch so from me to you…. Thank You XXxx

I was looking for a model of the month for March and had an idea for a Rose, I have made about 15 variations at the moment and have a couple I like. They would be OK for filming the tutorial but I think would be a little hard to explain with picture and text so they might be for another day. This is the thread where I have been posting the Roses, Roses.

So we went for a Dog for the model of the month, I made a few variations here, Dog.

We have a live Zoom on Monday 27th Feb at 8pm UK Time for Princess dress’s if anyone would like to join us, its free for club members or there is a small charge if anyone else would like to join us?  They usually last for about 75/90 minutes, booking details, Dress Zoom.

That’s me for this week, off to find the random balloon model of the week,
not so random as it has to be the large Dog that we built at Blackpool.