Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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7th July

I had a school fair yesterday, three 30 minute shows, just magic and they did not want the animals in the show. Went great, I enjoyed myself and we had over 150 people attending all three shows, was great fun and a good laugh…
even though I say so myself, he he.

Then earlier in the week we got back to filming some tutorials, its been a good 9 months since the last time we were in front of the camera. I was waiting till we had moved but with the saga of our house move still on going I decided to set the camera up at the new house and start a little filming. We filmed the Motor Bike, Pikachu and the Swan design and posted this morning the first tutorial, the Motor Bike. I have already had comments that it looks a lot brighter. At first I thought… oh just a sunny day filming and then realised the room has a large window at both ends and where we used to film there was just one large window, so it might be that the tutorials will be a little more on the brighter side, so that would be a bonus.

The numbers joining the new Facebook page “A Balloon Club” are creeping up and we are up to 96 members at the moment, if you would like to join then the details are here, we do ask for a small donation to see the tutorials, at present there are over 55 to view with more being added weekly, it was the Motor Bike this week. More details, “A Balloon Club”

That’s me for this week, been round the new house today fitting shelves and clearing out the loft as they start there tomorrow changing the loft into my office/balloon room for my new Balloon Towers. The room we think will be a little larger and more square then oblong as it is now. Off to measure it all in the morning to see where they will be putting walls/doors etc and
moving the loft hatch so we can put a foldable ladder up easily as well.

Off to find the random balloon picture of the week, I went with the Motor Bike and the picture of the very first Balloon Magic Magazine that came out in the Summer of 1996. For anyone joining the tutorial page up till 8pm UK time tomorrow, Monday 8th July. You will go into the free draw to win the magazine which is extremely very hard to get hold of now and very sought after. Details for joining are on the link above.