Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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30th June

Well we had a very exciting week, possibly not with the saga of our house buyer and his solicitor, crazy, taken them nearly six months. Contract exchange dates arranged, moving dates arranged and then… yes you’ve guessed it they pulled out of the sale. Absolutely shocking, why do that to people. So I was annoyed for a day then thought… sod it and I’m back smiling again.

Had a fabulous Zoom on Thursday night with the Motor Bike design, they are usually good and a laugh but this one more so for some reason. we only had eight people attend but it was a fun evening, so thanks to those who joined in.

Also thanks to Pam as I posted a Train and Digger design that use the same principal and Pam said she could see a Swan in the design, so off I went to make a Swan design, I liked it so much I have made it the July Model of the Month, Swan Design.
If you’d like to see the Train and Digger then they are here, Train/Digger.

We have added some more Kalisan product to the website and will be adding more over the coming weeks. Doing this slowly at the moment as all the stock and warehouse has to be moved once we move and we were hoping this would have happened by now. So keep an eye on the website, we have also added the Sempertex product that we have at the moment onto the site as well. So Qualatex, Sempertex and Kalisan are all on the one main website, Balloon Art Wholesale.

I’m off filming next week, got fed up waiting till we moved so will set the studio up again and film a few designs, hopefully three but we will see how it goes as it’s been a good few months since we have filmed anything. Got to set up the lights, backdrop and work out reflections on me glasses as that is sometimes off putting. Hoping to sort a few hours on Tuesday.

The random balloon picture of the week is not random this week as it’s the new Swan design.