Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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23rd June

It’s been all go this week with decorating round me Dad’s ready for our move… which we hope is going to be sooner rather than later. Having said that our buyer’s solicitor, being as nice as I can is beyond useless. Absolutely ridiculous, how can you not reply to my solicitor, the estate agent or our buyer for over 7 weeks, just crazy. I will get the name of the solicitor as there is no way we would want to use or have anything to do with them again. But our solicitor, wow, they have been beyond excellent and we would recommend them to everyone.

So when will we move……. absolutely no idea, wish us luck though as it would be nice to move before August and at this rate before Christmas this year, he he.

Had a busy weekend entertaining, loved it and at todays party a little boy came wearing a Teenage Mutant Turtle Mask and was Donatello, all he wanted was a stick to complete his outfit. With everything else I was making this young lad was in his element and loved playing with his just inflated 260 Mocha as a long stick. It made my day and all the adults at the party had a smile on their faces. A young child’s imagination is… priceless. A memory I will keep forever, well till I forget about it but writing it down will stay in the memory banks for longer. Was a fun gig and yesterdays was brilliant as well, both parties had plenty of other things going on as well so the balloons were not the one and only focal point, a lovely weekend.

We have 11 people booked in for the 20th Anniversary tour day in Birmingham on the 24th Sept, with four star lectures so fingers crossed it will be going ahead. We do need 20 so all the expenses for the day are covered. Booking Details.
I have posted pictures from the Sutton day that we had the other week if you’d like to take a look, Sutton 20th Anniversary Day.

We have moved all the Sempertex product over to our main website now and will be closing it down over the coming days, we will keep a holding page and redirect details for quite a while. We have also added the Kalisan product to the website as well and will be adding more over the coming weeks so please keep an eye on the website as we do sell all brands at below RRP so you can save a few pennies as well, Balloon Art Wholesale.

That’s me for this week, we do have a free Zoom coming up on Thursday 27th June for a Motor Bike design, please get in touch if you’d like the meeting details to attend. Off to find the random balloon picture of the week. I went with the three one balloon Dogs that we made a few weeks back now and that I will video and put up onto the new Facebook tutorial page “A Balloon Club” once we have moved and settled in. If you’d like to join the page we do ask for a small donation as all monies raised will help the balloon days for this year to go ahead, donation details, A Balloon Club.