Qualatex Balloons, Quality Modelling Balloon Sales UK


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19th June

Did anyone notice there was no blog last week? That was because of a technical issue, we did not have any internet for 5 days. It was tricky running the business without internet but we just about managed, it was great to get it back Tuesday afternoon though.

So last Saturday we filmed six new tutorials for the new forum we are putting up pretty soon, the plan was to start this on 1st July so that it was six months till the end of the year and the cost would be a pound a week. The people looking to see if we can add a subscription section to the old forum are unable to take a look and check things out till the first week of July so we have decided to try and launch this now on the 1st August. If we are unable to have a separate section on the Balloon Chat forum then we will add a woo commerce forum to the selling website we have. I was thinking this might be the better way to go as then it keeps balloon chat that is free to view completely separate. I’m still thinking about it and will wait to hear what the technical people suggest, I’m still sitting on the fence. The plan is to have a minimum of nine tutorials posted on the forum till the end of the years and also with three of my DVD’s and also we would have three free zooms for those who join. I’m hoping people think this is good value for money, I always try to give a little more.

We do have over 125 tutorials posted up over on Balloon chat, Tutorials.
and then we are coming up for the 100th balloon tutorial over on BalloonTube, Tutorials.
All of which have been free, so this is a little variation with myself making a small charge to view all the designs that we make. I’m hoping to film every design we make over the coming 6 months and even some of the older designs that never made it onto Balloon Chat or BalloonTube, there are quite a lot so it will I hope keep me busy over the coming months.

We have a balloon day coming up on the 28th June in Sutton on my line work designs, so really quick and easy designs with plenty being just two balloon and a scrap. This seemed to go down well when we ran it earlier in the year in Birmingham so have decided to run it again locally to myself in Sutton. There are spaces available if anyone would like to join us, booking details are here and it’s just £15 to attend the day, Sutton Line Twisting Workshop.

All the pictures are now up from the BAPIA balloon day that I attended the other week in Wolverhampton,
it was a sell out with 75 people attending. BAPIA Pictures.

As for the number tutorials, we have now edited eight numbers, well when I say we…. I mean Zakh. I just sit there looking over his shoulder, he he. So with just two more to go they will be ready for the launch which we are hoping to have with the new forum in August.

That’s me for this week, off to find the random balloon picture of the week, be right back. I went with Paddington that I made four years ago now, there are some variations and newer Paddington’s over on the forum, Paddington.